Mid-December brings one of my greatest holidays joys — pulling out some of my very favorite vintage holiday pieces from the attic and finding places for them throughout my home.
Take this little fawn above– I bought her at a vintage expo a couple years ago; there’s a visual artist here in Portland who buys vintage and then does her crafty spin on it, like these old decorations wrapped lovingly around her neck.
Here’s another vintage piece of hers I collected.
In person, this retro piece is vibrant and cheery with the glitter and vintage snow man on top — and sometimes I put it on my mantle, sometimes on my side table with a giant glass jar of gum drops.
Here’s another favorite piece of mine from the same crafty gal.
I just found this wreath in a box of ornaments and I think I’ll put in my pocket bathroom on the first floor.
Here are a few other things around my house right now.
A banner of some of my treasured vintage holiday cards.
All of these are in perfect condition, and I marvel at the fact that they were never used and kept safe until I came across them (most of these I found at the Goodwill Bins over the last couple years).
And here are some of my old blue glass Ball Jars filled with vintage-inspired snow scenes.
They’re like snow globes without the liquid and look so pretty surrounded by candles.
And what would be decorating without a couple elves?
I don’t know how old they are, but I think the smaller ones are at least fifty years old — and I have a number of them scattered throughout the house.
I’ve also got a music box.
And there are lots of vintage paper mache houses in various nooks and crannies of my house.
I have maybe twenty of these total — and it’s fun to put them in unexpected places.
Not just on bookshelves and mantles, but in the living room and near the front door, too.
And here’s one last thing — the perfect place to keep track of all those lists that are being made.
I have these on my coffee table with my gingerbread house and they’re just the right size and at the proper height for little hands and inquiring minds.
Imagine their surprise when they open them to find these!
(Dilettante Chocolates are wonderful.)
A busy weekend ahead — more Salted Caramel Bars to make, a porch to decorate, a tree to adorn, and a couple seniors to visit. And probably like you, that’s just the start of my to do list in the days leading up to Christmas.
Hope your pre-Christmas weekend is a good one!
What a great collection, Sarah!
Your home must look so festive.
Love your vintage collection!
Thanks, Polly! Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend.
Getting the last of the baking going on…
So looking forward to being with you all. Looks like there might be snow.. I’ll bring my boots… Hugs, Mom
Utterly adorable eye and heart candy!
Thanks, Ms. Baskin. I am still dreaming of the soup you made for my Soup Exchange. Mind if I call you Bengali Amy from now on?